My own story is one of turmoil and resilience, darkness and light, and the lost and the found.
I've been homeless.
I've wandered the streets drunk and laid down under an over pass.
I've received awards and scholarships.
My first black eye came from a lover.
I have danced in the wind to Etta James in an empty pole barn lit by bullet holes.
I have felt the scrape of asphalt as I was pushed off a motorcycle.
I have known the love of a son whose kindness is boundless against the universe.
I have known the triumph of rebirth through my strength and determination.
I have danced in the light of a stage surrounded by music, ownership, bad choices.
I have been hungry and full, empowered and insecure, wide awake and exhausted.
I have felt a bullet’s kiss and an elbow’s thrust.
I have felt gravity shift and time slow from the back of a motorcycle, one wheel up.
I have felt the gratitude and blessings of another day come and gone.

My name is Megan Dean and it is my soul passion to help spread awareness, education, information, support, and resources to anyone who has or is being affected by trauma and domestic violence.
I was 21 when I entered an abusive relationship that would change my life forever. I didn't know that over the course of our relationship I would be beaten countless times, including throughout the course of my pregnancy. The more pregnant I became, the worse the abuse became. I was being strangled on a regular basis and had accepted that he would probably one day kill me.
I was able to make It out just 3 months after my son was born and it has been a fire at my back pushing me to become the absolute best version of myself I can be. Not all women are as lucky as I. When I first started reaching out for information about DV, It was the harrowing stories of these women who had been experiencing abuse just as bad and sometimes worse than I was that inspired me to my core that something had to change and I had to leave.
My goal for this podcast is for it to simply return the favor. I want to help the women, men, and children who are or have experienced trauma and domestic violence to know there IS a way out. There IS support. There ARE people who can relate, help, and understand. My mission is to provide education, awareness, support, and resources to anyone and everyone that may be experiencing DV. I couple this with my own path and experiences to give a profound perspective of abuse and the recovery necessary for a successful life post-abuse.

If you are experiencing DV please reach out to the DV hotline website or go to the DV Resources tab for more info!